Date: Tuesday, 06 August 2013
Posted by: Cycling Southland

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at Velodrome, Invercargill

On 31 July 2013, at 7.00pm

1. Present:  (Roll Call)

Melissa Chilton, Dave Beadle, Anthony Leathart, Lindsay Jordan, Peter Grandiek, Danielle Parry, Waine Harding, Robin Criglington, Annabelle Johri, Ajit Johri, Laurie Tall, Sonny Broad, Ian Densie, Grant Toomey, Jamie Cunningham, Stephen Canny, Robyn Jordan, Erin Criglington, Nick Jeffrey, Julian Ineson, Paul Tomlinson, Sier Vermunt, Alan Strong, Bruce Ross, Neil Familton, Tony Ineson.

Non-voting attendees:  Ginge Burnett, Nathan Burdon.

Valid Proxies held on behalf of: Graham Sycamore, Craig Sadlier, Neil Jamieson and Phyllis Criglington

2. Apologies:

Tony Hammington, Steve Brough, Craig Sadlier, Dale MacDonald, Stu MacDonald, John Green, Alistair Adam, Toni Green, Kelvin O’Connell, Nicola McAra, Phylis Criglington, Neil Jamieson, Jacquie and Steve Dearlove, Graham Sycamore, Cathy Jordan, Kathryn Canny, Andrew and Sharyn Ralph, Allan Dunn, Mary MarshallSier Vermunt (lateness)

Moved the Apologies be accepted:  Robin Criglington/2nd Waine Harding.  Carried.

3. Confirmation of Minutes:

Minutes of the previous AGM held on 20 July 2011 were circulated prior to this meeting.

Moved the AGM Minutes of 27 July 2012 be taken as a true and accurate record, subject to the addition of “Annabelle Johri being added to Roll Call”  Stephen Canny/2nd Nick Jeffrey.  Carried.

4. President’s Report:

Lindsay Jordan presented his 2013 President’s Annual Report.  

Moved that the President’s Report be adopted.  Lindsay Jordan/2nd Erin Criglington.  Carried.

Lindsay suggested any comments/questions on his, CEO or the annual report and accounts should be raised after presentation on the Annual Accounts.

5. Annual Report:

Nick Jeffrey presented his 2012 CEO Annual Report for 12 months to 

31 March 2012 and the 2012 Junior Worlds Report.

Stephen Canny made additional comments that work for this event started in 2009; never underestimate the reputational value with over 90% satisfaction rate.  There were many economic benefits to Southland, with people staying on further to travel in the region.  It was always a goal since the Velodrome was planned and built to hold such an event.  Thanks to Sue Clark for her input into the event.

Moved  the 2012 CEO Annual Report to 31 March 2013 be adopted.  Nick Jeffrey/2nd Robin Criglington.  Carried.

6. Presentation of Annual Accounts:

Nick Jeffrey presented the Annual Accounts for the 12 months ending 31 March 2012 

Motion:  Move the 2012/2013 Annual Accounts as circulated at the Annual 

General Meeting be approved.  Moved Nick Jeffrey/2nd Robin Criglington.  Carried.

It was asked if a breakdown on membership could be provided and this will done in the next newsletter to members.

It was also asked how Cycling Southland could look at other forms of revenue, not relying so much on grants and that a priority should be making sure the velodrome is being utilized.  This was addressed also in the Strategic Plan discussed later in the meeting.

7. Remits:

No valid Remits were received.

9. Election of Officers:

As stated in the Constitution if the Meeting Attendees agree a secret ballot is not required and a show of hands would be accepted

Moved that election of officers will be confirmed by a show of hands.  Nick Jeffrey/Julian Ineson.  Against Motion:  (1). Motion Carried.


Only one candidate (Lindsay Jordan) nominated for President, it was voted on by a show of hands.  

Moved that Lindsay Jordan be elected President of Cycling Southland Inc.  Sier Vermunt/2nd Nick Jeffrey.  Carried.

Vice President:

As there was only one candidate (Sier Vermunt) nominated for Vice President, it was voted on by a show of hands.

Moved that Sier Vermunt be elected Vice President of Cycling Southland Inc.  Lindsay Jordan/2nd Tony Ineson. Against (4). Motion carried.

Executive Members:

As there was only two candidates (Tony Hammington and Julian Ineson) nominated for Executive, it was moved that the vote be cast by a show of hands. 

Motion:  Moved that Tony Hammington be an elected Executive Member of Cycling Southland Inc.  Lindsay Jordan/2nd Laurie Tall.  Carried.

Motion:  Moved that Julian Ineson be an elected Executive Member of Cycling Southland Inc.  Tony Ineson/2nd Stephen Canny.  Carried.

9. Election of Selectors:

Nominations for three selectors were received as follows:

Dave Beadle Waine Harding Erin Criglington

There being three nominations and three selectors required no vote was needed.

Motion:  Moved that Dave Beadle, Waine Harding and Erin Criglington be elected selectors for Cycling Southland Inc.  Lindsay Jordan/2nd Nick Jeffrey.  Carried.

Comment was made that the selector’s term should be for three years.  Nick Jeffrey responded that this and other executive position terms were being reviewed in the Constitution.

10. Appointment of Auditor:

Moved that McIntyre Dick & Partners being appointed auditor for the 2013/2014 year.  Lindsay Jordan/2nd Nick Jeffrey.  Carried.

11. Appointment of Patron:

Moved that Tony Ineson be appointed patron.  Nick Jeffrey/2nd Neil Familton.  Carried.

12. Notices of Motion:

No notices of motion were received.

Lindsay Jordan announced that Stephen Canny would not be seeking a place on the Executive committee this term. Next year Stephen will be president of Bike Road and Track.  On behalf of the Committee and Members thank you to Stephen for your time with Cycling Southland and the Junior Worlds.

Nick Jeffrey presented an overview of the Strategic Plan as per the attached one page sheet handed out to Members.

The 2013 Tour of Southland is shaping up well with 18/19 teams expected and sponsorship being obtained.

Julian Ineson spoke about the plan for the 50th anniversary of the Cycling Southland, to be held in conjunction with the Festival of Speed.

Remits to Bike NZ can be submitted anytime by Cycling Southland, please send remits through the Executive.

Velodrome name to be changed to SIT Zero Fees Velodrome, including signage on the track itself. Inside courts/surface to be upgraded around the end of the year.

13. 2014 AGM Venue:

Velodrome, Invercargill.

15. Closure:

Meeting closed 8.45pm, followed by supper.

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