Date: Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Posted by: Cycling Southland

Cycling Southland Club Meeting Wednesday 22 April, 7pm

Velodrome Champions Lounge 

Present - Lindsay Jordan (chairman), Tony Hammington, Tony Ineson, Erin Criglington, Travis Kane, Sonya Barton, Andrew Holden, Nicola Stevens, Sid Cumming, Kurt Black, Brendan Akeroyd, Peter Grandiek, Keith Wilson, Lindsay Jones, Jamie Wilson, Bruce Jones, Neil Familton, Wayne Murchland, Craig Sadlier, Donna Ferguson, Glen Ferguson, Jason Jenner, Gerald Paterson, Robin Criglington, Julie Knipe, Gabrielle Vermunt, Julian Ineson, Sier Vermunt, Danielle Ralph, Waine Harding, Dave Beadle, Alan Strong, Andrew Lienert, Red Burnett, Laurie Tall, Alan Marshall

Apologies - Steve Canny, Alan & Raewyn Pedler, Neil Jamieson, Trevor Johnston, Toni Green, Bruce Ross, Melissa Chilton, Allan Milne


Thank you to the forty members for attending. This is the largest attendance at a club meeting for some time and highlights the interest members have in their club.

Continuing success at all levels recognised, particularly winning the National Points shield at the Track Nationals.

(1) Constitution changes - main change is to have two year rotating cycle for executive members rather than the current one year term. Special General Meeting to vote on this - Tuesday 26 May 7.30pm in the Sarah Ulmer Room

(2) Track events - busy period ahead for track events - Corporate Pursuit  (June 19 & 28) , ILT Junior Track Carnival ( Oct 6 & 7) , Oceania Track Championships ( Oct 8 to 11) , Age Group Track Nationals (early March 2016).Plus other track carnivals with dates to be confirmed.

In addition to this major road events - Yunca Junior Tour of  Southland ( Oct 2 to 4) and SBS Bank Tour of Southland ( November 1 to 7 ) .

Planning is underway with these events which require input from volunteers as usual.

Licensed members currently 271- Southland 191 and Wakatipu 80.

Concern around lower numbers of riders at events which needs addressed.

An event framework is being developed at least a year out. Have to manage congested calendar with other cycling clubs and other codes.

(3) Level 1 coaching course road and track - to be held here May 2 & 3 - 17 attending, including 2 from each of Wakatipu, Dunedin and Christchurch

(4) Financial result year ending 31 March 2015 

Draft loss for year ending 31 March 2015 shows a loss of about $30,000 - based on figures at 19 April 2015, of which the cash deterioration was $18,000. Budgeted surplus was $9,460. Some of the  main reasons for the variance in the cash position were due to $23,000 capital spend on purchase of the big screen after major sponsor pulled out at 11th hour, and lower rider participation.

Last year loss was $97,000 and 2013 was $46,000 (excluding Junior World costs) and 2012 break even.

Working capital level continues to be low, but manageable. The Big Screen cost $40,000 with $17,000 still to pay.

(5) Business plan/ budget process

There have been two meetings held on this with members involved with particular areas - there are 16 areas of activity.

Aim is to have new initiatives for each area and members involved with their areas financially with KPI's and accountability.

Brian Broad as developed a business plan which is being progressed by the executive.

The budget for the year ending 31 March 2016 is work in progress to be finalised soon based on input from members. The outcome of this will determine the level of resourcing we have going forward.

(6) Coach development role and GM role

It is recognised that a coaching development role is critical to the organisation going forward.

Brian Broad's contract as General Manager is until mid-June.

The outcome of these roles depends on the outcome of the business plan / budget going forward. 

(7) New model to engage members - there is a willingness to re-engage the members in the operation of the club and build the numbers of school children coming into the sport. The junior division have demonstrated what the members can contribute and recently re-constituted Tour of Southland Committee is another similar initiative. Over the next few weeks several committees will be identified and formed to work alongside the CS staff allowing members to have more input to ensure our events and activities are appropriate and meeting our needs.

(6) Group split into two groups to discuss road and track.

Feedback as follows- 


Areas that are done well

-       Provide lots of racing with Criteriums, Saturday and Wednesday Road

-       Race management – managers and Marshalls and STMS – Safety

-       Variety of courses 

Areas for Improvement

-       To much racing – Crits, track RR, WW, time trials

-       Lack of periodization of season – Track v Road; Timing of calendar

-       Numbers at races

-       Public profile/sponsorship

-       Money/prizes/cup- maybe drop/reduce the prize money and use the multitude of “cups” used historically, and focus on spot prizes.



-       Corporate Pursuit

-       Baxter & Neilson

-       Points Shield result again for eighth year in a row

Area of improvement

-       Friday night – bring a plate & a friend

-       Support network with retailers

-       Timing of events – road v track seasons

-       Co-ordinate calendar of events within sport and with other sports

-       Pathway for Riders – Kids and adults - structure and resource/info packs for cyclists and coaches

Need for someone to co-ordinate

More small track bikes for beginners 

Proxy Form for Special General Meeting

Lindsay Jordan



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