Cycling Southland has had the busiest and most rewarding year in it’s history.
In August we held the UCI Juniors World Track Championship. This was a great success and claimed by the UCI as the best Junior World Championships ever held. From the event there are several legacies to implement in the future.
I would personally like to thank the staff, volunteers, sponsors, executive and supporters of Cycling Southland for their input during the year, because without your support we would not have achieved all that we have. It is estimated that over 55,000 volunteer hours were put into events during 2012.
The executive has been planning in several areas. An important one of these is reviewing the Cycling Southland Strategic Plan for the next three years 2013-2015. As part of this review it is important to focus on priorities and ensure that they are adequately resourced. This review will involve input from those involved with Cycling Southland.
Have a relaxing time this Christmas with family and friends as we head into 2013 which will no doubt be yet another busy and exciting year.
Enjoy the ride
Lindsay Jordan