Date: Friday, 10 February 2012
Posted by: Cycling Southland

I�m an Australian - Colin Freestone and I�ve had 45+ years family, work and recreational association with Indonesia. I have also been cycling in Indonesia since 1995.
Starting in 2009, I�ve led nine trips with 80 riders in many parts of the island of Sulawesi, that spidery shaped island east of Borneo.
The trips are cultural immersion adventures that include Indonesian language instruction integrated with the day�s cycle regime, spontaneous (interpreted) interaction with locals and authentic Sulawesi style Indonesian food.

Current trips on offer are at
Next trips are in May and September 2012.

May trip is to spectacular Central Sulawesi:
This 907 km trip begins in Palu (west side of island) on Sunday 13 May and finishes in Luwuk (east side of island) on Monday 28 May. �Trip takes in the idyllic Prince John dive resort, the rugged mountains of Central Sulawesi, pristine lakes, rushing water cascades, paradisiacal Togian islands and the timeless coastal coconut groves. �Swimming 15/16 days.

September trip to the unique culture of the Torajan people living in distinctive boat shaped houses in villages that nestle in fabulous mountain valleys.
This �648km trip starts in Makassar 2 September and finishes back there 14 September 2012.
Apart from the cycling to and from Toraja Land trip includes thermal pools, mountain trekking, white water rafting and cultural visits in the heartland of Tana Toraja.

On both trips Indonesian language instruction will be integrated into the day�s cycling and optional yoga classes will be held each afternoon. We make a serious effort to provide a genuine cultural immersion experience.

Colin Freestone�

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