The first CS Direct order is now live for the 2017 Oceania Track Cycling Championships suit orders. I have included a step-by-step guide that details how your Centre riders/representatives can make their way through the order system and order their suits. The order will close on Tuesday 25th October.
No orders for Centre Skinsuits will be accepted after that period: the next run of Skinsuits and Cycling Jerseys will be on the Monday 14th November for the Elite & U23 Road Cycling National Championships.
If anyone is after a sponsor logo on the leg(s) of their suits, this order will be placed separately to this CS Direct order. I advise riders to NOT go through the CS Direct order process and contact me afterwards for a sponsor logo on the leg(s), as I will be unable to make changes to a design in an order once it is locked in. Please ask them to get in contact with me first and I will organize a design from my end. If your riders ask us for a sponsor logo on the leg(s) of their suits, this will be charged without the 10% Centre discount if they order a suit that has that quoted discount.
Here are the login details to enter the Order System:
Username: nzcentre
Password: 2016
The information for this order will also be posted on Facebook, both on our Champion System NZ page and on the private group “Bike Shelf”. I will send out an email reminder this Sunday as well before the system goes live.
If you or your riders have any questions at all about this order system, feel free to contact me on my email or on my number below.
Simon Acker
Champion System New Zealand
m: +64 21 464 430 e: [email protected] s: sacker2011