Date: Tuesday, 08 June 2010
Posted by: Cycling Southland

The Harrex Group Corporate Pursuit has been a sell out success since the Cycling Southland inaugural event in 2007.  Now in its 4th year running, we have record 34 teams entered to compete, the line up is a mixture of 22 returning local businesses and 12 new competitors.

There are many reasons why the team at Harrex Group are so enthusiastic about this event, it’s exciting, it takes place in Southland’s premiere sporting venue, the velodrome, so many local businesses participate, and we very much enjoy working with the Cycling Southland team!  We think that every team that competes feels the same way; it’s a real mix of fear, adrenalin, competition and excitement. 

As each team lines up waiting to start their race their nerves start to bite, they want to beat their last time, they want to get off the start line as fast possible, they want to stay on each other’s back wheel and most importantly, they want to stay on their bikes!  Next thing the buzzer goes and they are off, with a winning time last year by the YMCA of 1.14 (Division One) and Spin to Win of 1.21 (Division Two), the teams are not on the track for long. 

As each team member waits for their turn in front, all they can think about is biking as fast as is humanly possible.  They cannot hear the commentators and there is no time to concern themselves with where the other team is, all they can hear are the words in their own heads urging them to go faster and the roar of the crowd.  Then suddenly it’s all over, as they roll around the track slowing their bikes down their eyes go straight to the score board... what was our time?  For new competitors, the feeling of having completed their first ever track race is nothing short of euphoric - for those that have competed before, their pleasure levels will be completely dictated by the clock…did I do my best time, did the team do it’s best time?  For all, the sense of team work and having pulled together to do their level best brings a smile to every face.  It is a strangely addictive experience which is why we have so many returning teams every year.

Any business that can bring together a team of mixed experience, age, confidence and ability to train and compete in this event is onto an absolute winner.  Taking part reminds us all of what can be achieved if we feel the fear and do it anyway!  You simply cannot buy the ‘shot in the arm’ that every competing team gets out of this event, it is achieved by the preparing for and taking part, the highs, the lows, and the crazy stories that get generated as each team journeys towards the start line.  This event is about being the best you can be – and taking the fun, trust and determination back to your work environment.
We congratulate each and every team taking part in this year’s event, particularly those feeling the fear and doing it anyway for the first time!

We wish you all a personal best on the day!

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