Date: Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Posted by: Cycling Southland

Hi everyone for another week, as daylight saving draws to a close and the evenings get shorter – makes it jolly hard to swing out of bed in the morning when it’s still pitch black outdoors!

Club Meeting
A reminder that everyone is welcome to attend a club meeting this coming Monday night (31 March), at 7.30pm in Sarah Ulmer Lounge to hear an update from the executive. 

2013 TrustPower National Awards
As regional winner of the TrustPower Community Awards Cycling Southland competed at the National awards last weekend in Invercargill.


Graham Sycamore and Lindsay Jordan presented with support from Darren Ludlow, deputy mayor of Invercargill and Paul Duffy deputy mayor of Southland District Council.

25 different organisations competed and were judged based on a 1,000 word summary and an eight presentation at the Civic Theatre on Saturday.

The Milestoe Bay Trust were first with the Neurological Foundation Southern Chair of Neurosurgery second. We learnt a lot from the other volunteer organisations , which all have successes and similar issues to deal with.

TrustPower are to be congratulated on a well organised event that highlights the valuable input that volunteers put in to make  New Zealand a better place to live..

A highlight of weekend when we had drinks and nibbles at the velodrome where about 20 riders put on a thirty minute display of track racing. Thank you to all those that made this happen. Most of those attending had not been at a velodrome and were very impressed.

Southland was well promoted at this event with three days of sunny weather and plenty of oysters.

Thank you to all those that assisted put this presentation together - Cycling Southland certainly does have a proud story to tell -  due to our volunteers.

Read all about the awards here

Lindsay Jordan

Vital Signs Tour de Lakes
Get your entries in now for the Easter Vital Signs Tour de Lakes (18-21 April) and starting getting your accommodation planned now. Remember a late entry fee will be incurred from Monday 7 April. View all the details and entry form here

Also the Tour committee is still keen to hear from anyone able to help out during the tour, including commissaires. Contact Allan Dunn [email protected] 

Road Racing
This weekend is the return of the Dipton West road race around the Castlerock-Mossburn circuit. Get your entries in by Thursday for this handicap race.


Monday night we will desperately try to get through the first SouthPort Criterium at Tereotonga – 6pm report for a 6.30pm race start

This Wednesday night is the second last of the Cycle Surgery Wednesday Worlds with daylight saving starting on Sunday 6 April – so make the most of your last couple of blats around the Rimu circuit. 

Secondary School Road Champs
It was a fantastic day at Teretonga with nine schools represented by riders competing in under 13 to under 19 time trial, road race and team time trial racing. Thanks a heap to all the helpers.


Check out the full report and results here and a few photos here 

Missing Wheels
Josh Haggerty had his Campag Pista wheels stored in the Velodrome lockup while he has been training. He went to pick them up on Sunday and they are no longer where he left them. They have 'Josh / Hag' on the whitewall of the tyres. Text Josh on 027 964 2142 if you moved them or have seen them please. 

Swipe Cards
A reminder that all swipe card numbers are in the process of being re-programmed into the new Stadium system so if your card has not been recorded in any of the databases I have sent the security company, it maybe inadvertently deactivated during this process.  If it appears to stop working when this is up and running (I will notify you when it is) you can let me know your card number and it can be rectified. Just a warning in case you get a surprise!


Meanwhile, the west entry door outside the lock up has been repaired but it will need to be replaced – at a very princely sum! – if everyone keeps on using the fire exit bar door to leave the building – Please DO NOT use the bar push door when leaving and use your swipe card instead. 

Trading Post
Don’t forget to make the most of our online buy, sell and swap site here at the Cycling Southland Trading Post. If you have anything to sell send image/s and details to me at the office and when you do sell, don’t forget to tell me to remove the listing from the website. 

So that’s it for today - all we have to do is wish Dale and Stu safe travels as they have started heading north this afternoon on their new adventure!

We will miss you desperately and look forward to you returning to visit us again soon.


Take care for the rest of the week

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