Date: Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Greetings everyone, 
Well it's just six weeks until daylight savings starts again, so we can safely say we're well through the longer, darker nights now.
It has once again been great to see the fantastic turn-outs supporting road racing in the weekend at the Winton Middle Pub, Central Southland Lodge Handicap race. Keep up the enthusiasm! Read the full report

This Saturday is the Steve Rhodes Feature Cars two-stage Graded Beast of the East and New Vale Coal Circuit. Registration is at Te Tipua School
Beast of the East
Sign On: 10.30am
Race Start: 11.00am.
Cost: $10.00 Seniors, $5.00 Juniors

New Vale Circuit
Sign On: 1.00pm
Race Start: 1.30pm
Cost: $10.00 Seniors, $5.00 Juniors

This is great training for those kids gearing up to race in the Yunca Junior Tour of Southland in October.

Coaching workshop
A big thanks from Chris Foggin (Cycling NZ) to those coaches and parents who took part in the two workshops held on Monday. He’s described those who took part as ‘keen’ and ‘enthusiastic’, which is great to hear. Hopefully the participants took something out of the two free seminars too.

We’ll look to run those sessions more regularly as part of our coach development so keep an eye out for info on those.

Conduct and behaviour
As the road season gets under way and the track season starts again, a reminder about the level of behaviour that is expected by all members – junior and senior – of Cycling Southland both in the manner in which you ride, the way you interact with riders, officials and volunteers, and the language you use.

Verbal abuse and misconduct will not be tolerated. If anyone is unsure if their behaviour breaches what is expected, then please contact Mark for clarification.

King House Removals Omnium Series
More than 50 riders turned out again on Friday night for round two of the King House Removals Omnium Series with great racing across all age groups. View the winners here Full results will be posted soon.

Intro to Road Cycling
We are offering a six-week course providing essential road cycling skills, including bunch riding, cornering, breakaways, race tactics and much more. Rider must pre-register for this series, which begins on Thursday 24 August and will be held from 4pm to 5.30pm daily at the Go-Kart Track in Otatara. Read all about this great opportunity

Yunca Junior Tour
Entries are open for this year’s Junior Tour of Southland – check out all the details here and enter now

Junior Carnival & South Island Secondary Schools Track Champs
The South Island Secondary School Track Championships will be held alongside the Junior Track Carnival, following the Yunca Junior Tour again this year, on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 October.

Entries for both these events are now open online. View all the details online
This year the schools event will be held during the day with qualifying events on the Tuesday and racing all day Wednesday. Entry for the schools event are through Cycling New Zealand.

Trading Post
A reminder that we have a buy, sell and swap page on the website, anyone posting items please remember to let me know if you have completed a trade so the post can be removed. Check out current listings

Track Sessions
Tonight is an open club roll from 6-7pm, followed by Endurance Squad from 7-9pm for U19 and Open riders.

Caravan for Tour of Southland
WANTED!!! Tandem wheeled caravan to serve as the office and race headquarters for the 2017 SBS Bank Tour of Southland (29th Oct - 4th Nov). If possible a caravan without a permanent bed as we require the space for chairs/computer/printers/timing gear etc all week. If anyone can assist with the supply of this essential piece of equipment please contact Danielle Ralph on 021 177 5042.

Well that’s it from me again for another week. Thankfully the sun is shining despite the cracker frost temperature lingering most of the day, so enjoy and keep those pedals spinning.

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