Date: Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Hi everyone and hope you are keeping warm in this shocker of an early wintery snap we’re having.

Helping to keep us with a warm inner glow during this time have been the stellar performances of our Kiwi track cycling team at the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast.

What an amazing four days of track cycling at the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast.
It's been an awesome effort by our athletes - Eddie Dawkins, Natasha Hansen, Emma Cumming, Kirstie Klingenberg, Tom Sexton, Nick Kergozou De La Boessiere and Bradly Knipe. The New Zealand squad secured a record 12 medals, which was one more than their previous best in Glasgow.
You've all done an incredible job and made everyone incredibly proud, and already begun to inspire the next generation. You've shown what Southlanders can achieve on the world stage. Roll on Tokyo!
Enjoy a deserved break and we hope to see back in Invercargill soon!

Club meeting
Don’t forget the club meeting is on Friday at 6pm in the Champions Lounge. All welcome. It would be a great opportunity to bring some solutions to any problems you might have identified. We’ll have an update on  some projects underway.

Closing soon - squad coaching expressions of interest
Expressions of interest are sought for those interested in volunteering to coach the U15, U17 and U19 riders for the 2018/2019 season. Qualified coaches or aspiring coaches willing to undertake Cycling NZ coach training are sought. These are extremely rewarding opportunities to work with some talented young riders. Please contact the office.

Misconduct and poor behaviour
Just a reminder, if a rider (junior or senior) has an issue then the first port of call is to discuss the matter with their coach - then with the coaching co-ordinator Sid Cumming.

A new reporting system about misconduct is to be introduced to make it easier for our volunteer coaches to identify issues early and a zero tolerance policy enforced.

All riders and junior parents will soon be asked to sign acknowledgment of receiving the Code of Conduct & Integrity. That can be found here.

New Fees now in place
The new pricing structure is now in place. View the details

Southland Road Champs
Well done to everyone who braved the weather to take part in our Southland Club Road Champs over the weekend Check out the full results
Once again a huge thank you to all those volunteers who regularly give up their time over the weekend – it is always greatly appreciated.

This Saturday is a graded race on the Wyndham circuit. Meet in Balaclava Street at 1pm for 1.30pm race start view the details

Memorial Weekend
A reminder that the Gorge Road Memorial Weekend racing will be held on Saturday 5 May. We will again be looking for volunteers for this event please so let us know if you will be free to help out.

Wednesday Worlds
The final Zookeepers Wednesday Worlds was held last week. Final results were A Grade: Corbin Strong 1, Hamish Keast 2, Blake Tait-Jones 3.
B Grade: Steve Rhodes 1, Aaron Sinclair 2, Neil Familton 3
C Grade: Emily Paterson 1, Brook Armishaw 2, Michael Manson 3
Junior: Ronan Shearing 1, Jaz McLeod 2, Reuben Heslip 3.

Track Sessions
Tonight is Open Endurance Squad from 7-9pm.
Open Sprint Squad has restarted on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-9pm.
Learn to Ride and Flyers finish this Friday at the end of term and resume again on the first week of term two. If anyone knows of someone with kids wanting to get into track cycling view the details for the term two Learn to Ride programme on our home page

From this Sunday a Wet Weather Ride option will resume weekly from 11am to 1pm. As usual write your name in the sign on folder and state if you are only there for an hour so your concession cards can be updated accordingly.

Tour de Lakes
Another great Vital Signs Tour de Lakes event was held on a new improved circuit. Well done to all who raced and placed and a massive pat on the back of Tour manager Allan Dunn, his family and their invaluable team of volunteers who made it all happen again this year Check out the results and photos

Trading Post
A reminder that we have an online post for the sale and purchase of cycling-related items with several new ones now online here

If you wish to place an item online, please just send me jpg images and the details you want posted. Don’t forget to let me know when an item has been sold so I can remove it.

Dave Watkins
We’re sad to inform you of the sudden death last week of Dave Watkins, who was a long-time rider and supporter. Dave was out for a ride in Nelson, where he had recently retired, with a nephew when he collapsed and couldn’t be revived. Condolence messages can be sent his wife Pip at 16 Maire St, Tahunanui, Nelson 7011.

So that’s it from me this week – ensure you keep warm and healthy during the cooler months ahead.

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