Greetings to you all!
Well our para-cycling mega pilot Laura Thompson and her stoker Emma Foy certainly put in some great form again over the weekend at the World Road Cycling Champs in Switzerland – two silvers in the time trial and road race is terrific form as they continue their build up to the Rio Olympic Games next year – particularly when their time trial was just 0.03 off gold! Great work ladies and congratulations on your mighty fine efforts.
Next we wish another of our young stars Emma Cumming all the best in her final build up to the 2015 Junior World Track Championships in Kazakhstan. Emma is currently in Cambridge doing the final training camp with her team mates – so enjoy the awesome experience, the travel and we wish you all the very best for some really fast times! We’ll all be cheering you on the deep south Emma!
Road Racing
An absolutely outstanding turnout for the Woodlands graded race on Saturday with almost 50 racers over five grades and some very tight finishes indeed.|
Check out the race report here
This Saturday is the Browns graded register online here now
Baxter & Neilson Series Two this Friday
This Friday 7 August is Series 2 of the Baxter & Neilson Junior Racing. Be down at 5.30pm to warm up and have bike checks so ready to start racing shortly after 6pm.
If you have not yet sorted payment please contact me at the office $45 for 8 nights of racing. This needs to be paid to the office and you can sort by internet banking if you wish.
Please bring a plate for supper this week (with something on it of course!) and there are no heat up facilities so plan accordingly.
Two Hour Concession Cards
From 1 August 2015, the cost for a two-hour track session increased.
The two hour sessions will be as follows:
Member Own Bike - $10 per session
Member with Bike hire - $20
Non-member with Own bike - $20
Non-member with Bike hire - $30
Concession cards are now available – pay for 10 and get 12 two-hour sessions per card – works out at $8.333333…. per two hours.
Yunca Junior Tour and Track Carnival
Don’t forget to get your entries in now for both these October events – a highlight of the national junior calendar. Entries are online here
Oceania Skinsuits
A final reminder that if you are riding Oceas and need a Southland skinsuit ordered please let me know.
Rollers for Oceas
Would anyone be able to help out the Western Australian team coming to the Oceas in October with some sets of rollers for their small team?
If it may be possible can you let me know at the office please. Thank you.
Masters Games
Information about the South Island Masters Games being held in Nelson late September-early October is out now so click here
Finally well done Brayden Holland on your biking prowess – both MTB and track – which has been noted in today’s print edition Good luck with the Winter Series!
Also to Wanaka’s Mikayla Harvey who has been named today in the Cycling NZ Junior Road World Team read more here
So that’s it from me for another week
Keep warm and keep the wheels spinning!