Date: Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Posted by: Cycling Southland

Gidday everyone and hope you’re all managing to keep warm!

First and foremost a huge thank you to all the willing volunteers who spent a couple of hours of their personal time at the Velodrome on Saturday arvo to help tidy up our track bike fleet for the Corporate Pursuit – hugely appreciated thank you all!! This Friday it’s our Cycling Southland 10th Anniversary Corporate Pursuit Time Trials night (so there will be no Junior Racing this week sorry). Trials kick off at 6pm and spectator entry is only a gold coin donation so head on down and cheer them along. Thank you to all the willing volunteers, view the marshals and officials list for both days here we’re still short of a few people so please let me know if you can lend a hand on either day. All officials and marshals are to wear our SIT Zero fees Velodrome blue shirts so please collect one from me at the office before Friday if you haven’t got one already.

Tonight’s Heat 3 of Lone Star-Speights Roller Racing is: Steve Rhodes Feature Cars, Frewza Boats/Southland Car & Commercial Painters, Crowe Horwath, Ricoh Southland, Opus International Consultants – head along to the Lone Star and cheer them on from 7pm!
View the round two results

Junior Division helpers wanted for Cycling Southland 10th Anniversary Corporate Pursuit
Manning the door
People needed to man the door for the Corporate Pursuit, would involve collecting gold coin donation and is a perfect chance to sell your raffle tickets and scratchy boards.
Friday 19 June (this week)
Times will be somewhere between 5 and 8.30pm

Also Sunday 28 June
Need more hands up for this as need to be manned from approximately 8.30am till 4pm.

Setting up
Also, who is keen to help with laying down the carpet and packing down etc on following days, actual hours to be confirmed ?
Friday 19 June times - approx. 3.45 till 5pm
Saturday 27 June
Sunday 28 June

Can people get back to Julie Knipe by this Wednesday 17 June by 4pm that would be appreciated.
Either phone 215 9251 or 021 082 67847
Or personal message me by Facebook

Cheers and thank you

2016 Oceania Track Championships
We are seeking expressions of interest for the Southland team officials for Oceanias being held here from Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 October.
Positions to be filled are Manager, Coach/es, Handlers and Support Crew. Let me know if you are interested please.

School Holiday Programme
Cycling Southland is independently running our own holiday programme in the July break. There will be four one-hour sessions held on Wednesday 8 and 15 July, from 1-2pm and 2-3pm both days. You will need to book your child/ren in with me at the office 219 9325 with their age and your contact details Each one hour session will be $6 per child.

Coaching Forum
All coaches are invited to attend a Coaches Forum to be held at the SIT Zero Fees  Velodrome on Wednesday 17 June commencing at 7.00pm. This important session is to provide the  opportunity to review the current coaching/squad structure, objectives and deliverables/outcomes expected, coach construct (including roles: Coach Convenor panel, Head Coach, squad coaches) and the processes and protocols associated ensuring  various squads and sessions. Fundamentally are Cycling Southland squads appropriately coached and managed to lead practice.

The development and performance of our athletes on the regional, national and international stage is a fundamental to the success of athletes, coaches and Cycling Southland - this is your chance to have a say|on the coaching structure.

The session will be chaired by Brian Broad assisted by Sid Cumming. Anyone interested in a coaching role with Cycling Southland should attend. 

Junior Division Raffle Fundraiser
Junior Division is offering raffle cards of 20 tickets at $2 a ticket with five major prizes up for grabs, including a whole processed pig with delivery courtesy of the O’Connell family, a trailer of firewood courtesy Peter Grandiek, a haircut, colour and blow wave at Les Sheikh Hair Design, a three month gym membership at World Health and Fitness and a side of lamb.

These tickets can be collected from the office and need to be returned with full money to Julie Knipe – or another person on the Junior Div fundraising committee, or Melissa at the Cycling Office by Friday 26 June at the latest please – good luck with another great fundraiser! The prizes will be drawn at the Corporate Pursuit major event on Sunday 28 June. 

Yunca Junior Tour and ILT Junior Track Carnival
Spread the word as entries are now open for this year’s Yunca Junior Tour of Southland and the ILT Junior Track Carnival – both of which precede the Oceania Track Champsionships – it’s going to be a busy week or so this one!

Get the links to online entry and other details by clicking here

Cycling Southland AGM
A reminder that the Cycling Southland AGM will be held on Tuesday  21 July, at 7.30pm.

Cycling Southland Prizegiving
A reminder our annual prizegiving will be held on Thursday 9 July at the Ascot Park Hotel. Tickets and final details out soon.

Under 19s Write Up
Great write up for our NZ U19 team reps in today’s print. Nice work Emma, Tom, Brad and Hamish!

Lake Tekapo Challenge
Read about the details of this November event.

Devonport Track Carnival Invitation
Read all about these Christmas racing options – big prize money up for grabs!

Finally a huge congrats to Eddie Dawkins on a gold in the keirin in T’town during the weekend – great guns of a result again from our Southland elites – a huge boo-hoo for Jeremy Presbury too – we are feeling for you and wish you a speedy recovery after a good tumble during racing resulted in a broken collar bone – all the best and you’ll be on the ERG in no time we hope!

Well that’s it for another instalment so keep warm and we’ll see you at the track cheering!

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