Welcome to another week and it has certainly been a little cooler in recent days. However, it is incredible to think the shortest day of the year is just 10 days away and there’s plenty of action on the track with sessions in full swing to keep everyone’s adrenalin pumping!
WHK Corporate Pursuit
First cab off the ranks today is the reminder that entries close today for this year’s WHK Corporate Pursuit. If you haven’t already got your team on board, enter_online_here
Thanks to everyone that has offered so far to assist with this year’s event. There are still a number of roles to be filled view_these_roles_here. If you are available for either of the days please email event directors Julian Ineson [email protected]. or Sier Vermunt [email protected] by this Friday. All assistance is hugely appreciated.
Those who have offered to coach, you will be contacted over the next few days with further information. A reminder the team/coach briefing is next Wednesday 19 June at 7:00pm in the Sarah Ulmer Lounge.
Junior Division Meeting
The next Junior Division meeting will be held this Wednesday 12 June, at 7pm, in the Champions Lounge (sorry typo last week!). The agenda will include the budget for coming year and Yunca Junior Tour 2014 fundraising. All welcome, so come along and have your say in how the funds are allocated for the coming year.
Junior Madison Training
This Friday night (14 June) from 6-8pm will see the start of Junior Madison training. Please note that you really must attend the first session this week if you wish to be involved, as it involves a lot of fundamental skills that will be necessary for the sessions moving forward – we look forward to seeing you there and promise it will be a huge amount of fun!
Wheelers & Flyers Race Night
This Friday 14 June, we are holding a special combined Wheelers & Flyers Race Night for anyone who has been attending the Wednesday and Friday sessions this year. This is guaranteed good fun and registrations will be taken from 4pm with racing starting at 4.30pm and finishing at 6pm. Hope to see all our up-and-coming stars of the future there!
Track Sessions
With everyone heading indoors to the track and the Corporate Pursuit busy time imminent, it is a good time to remind you all about the different track sessions that we run, and who they cater for – please adhere to these session restrictions and experience levels:
Presidents Convoy – Monday 6-7pm – This is a roll which has been restricted to 40k/hr, however with Express Train enjoying an extended break, the speed of this session has crept up. Riders need to talk before hand to ensure the session is safe and different groups of abilities are communicating.
Drafters – Tuesday 6-7pm – This is an intermediate session and is a follow on from our track start beginner session – it is aimed to increase skill and confidence level of budding riders. A coach is on-hand to help. It is not a 45k/hr roll around!
Track Start – Wednesday 6-7pm – This is a beginner session for adults starting out on the track
WOW/BOW – Wednesdays 7-8pm (intermediate) and 8-9pm (advanced) this is a coached session to increase skill, confidence and tactical know how, to groom riders for racing. Note these sessions combine to 7-8pm from Wednesday 26 June for WHK Corporate Pursuit
Lunch Rolls – Tuesdays and Fridays 12pm-1pm - General roll around – come down and join in!
Member Charges
Due to the need to cover ongoing track hire charges, as of invoicing at the end of this month, there will be some slight amendments to track hire fees with the cost of lights off per hour now $30 (formerly $25) and lights on track hire $40.
Please note that all amendments to all user charges can be found online_here. The most important thing to note is that concession cards have not increased in price – this is the most economical way to go with everyone still paying for 10 session and getting two additional sessions free!
Nice article Tom Sexton!
Congrats on a really nice write up in The Southland Times today for our Junior Cyclist of the Year read_all about_it
Scud the motorbike – what results!
If you haven’t been catching up on the incredibly awesome results that our Tom Scully has been pulling out at Redditch and the London Nocturne then make sure you check out all the results, video and interviews on our Facebook_page Keep up the awe-inspiring stuff Scud – you’re the man!
A thought from the CEO
With Queen’s Birthday it’s been a couple of weeks since we heard from Nick – Check_out the tribute to our ILT Sports Awards Heroes.
Southern Scooter Challenge
Not to sit still when there’s a good cause to take on a challenge for, Mike and Tans White are off on another adventure in September for the Southern Scooter Challenge. They know you will appreciate the importance of fundraising for a charity such as the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ. This disease no doubt will have touched many of you personally (the Whites included) so any support you are able to give them would be greatly appreciated. This year they are again taking on the mission of riding 50cc scooters from Bluff to Queenstown on 7 September when the weather can be known to be at its least favourable! Full details can be found on the official challenge website - www.southernchallenge.co.nz. This is a very worthy cause and certainly not an easy day out so any donation makes a difference no matter how small!
Donating is easy, just follow the link below!
Thanks in advance for your support
Cheers Mike and Tans
Well that’s it for another week so get those WHK Corporate Pursuit entries in now – it will be another fantastic blast for all involved again this year!
Keep cosy